jueves, 12 de enero de 2012

Lissy Elle

Acabo de encontrar a esta preciosa joven fotógrafa canadiense. Ella basa algunas de sus series en cuentos populares... me encanta su enfoque y como hace revivir lo mágico de la infancia, los botes llenos de luces y  cabañas hechas con sábanas.

Esta es su presentación en Flickr:

"I live in Canada, where the moose are. I take pictures of anything that will stay still long enough. If you asked me if I would rather see one of the seven wonders or Las Vegas, I would always say Las Vegas. I admire Dr. Suess and Chuck Palahniuk more then you (sorry), and you bet your ass I would sooner tear out my own eyes then spell Panic! At The Disco without the exclamation point. *I felt it very important to say here, because I can not STAND to think people are mad at me or think I'm ignoring them, but I take FOREVER to answer Flickrmail, unless you happen to catch me online. So sorry. :( "

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